Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Another Blow Against Symmetry

Today, the Galaxy have continued their evil ways by straying from the storyline. They were to find a new master to replace Sampson. They were to crown a new arch-villain for the thugs of the MLS. Instead, they hired Frank Yallop.

Yallop coached the San Jose Earthquakes and mentored Dominic Kinnear. He is most recently the coach of the Canadian MNT. He's a good coach and a good guy. He should not be with the troglodytes of the Home Depot Center. He should be the coach of Toronto FC, building the future of Canadian soccer.

Can't the LAGgers do ANYthing right? Why, oh why did they have to hire a decent fella? Donovan and Yallop together again...

Sigh. I hate it when the baddies stray from the narrative template. But maybe the unexpected subplot adds to the ultimate cathartic drama in the end.

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